
Google Marketing Live

  • Venue

    The Convention Centre Dublin

  • Location

    Dublin, Ireland

  • Event Type

    Conference + Exhibition

Google Marketing Live (GML) had traditionally been a single global event in San Francisco.

However, in a strategic shift in 2022, Google reshaped the event format into 12 regional experiences. This approach has allowed Google to share its latest product innovations, connect with industry leaders and demonstrate how clients and agencies can harness the power of Google AI in a more localised and personalised setting.

  • ( Challenge )

    As the third EMEA iteration of GML - held, as with 2023, in Dublin - we needed a fresh, innovative and engaging take on the experience that felt specifically tailored to the key customers and agencies attending. 

  • ( Strategic spark )

    Following a heavily AI-focused 2023 event, 2024's theme was all about defining and refining the exciting possibilities of advertising in this new era.

    Our approach was to build on the inspiration delivered in the previous year and make it a reality, by showcasing and championing the ‘best of the best’ in AI applications. 

  • ( Solution )

    A two-day interactive experience that connected Google's top customers with new products and new people through the power of AI. 

    The keynote and four breakout stages were jam-packed with AI experts and innovators sharing knowledge, insights and practical AI applications. 

    Six people-powered product demos translated complex AI technology into real-world, contextualised experiences. Our programme of 66 expert roundtables created space for conversation and connection - and we rounded off the experience with a legendary party, featuring the one and only Becky Hill. 

( Results )

The biggest Google Marketing Live EMEA yet

Reaching over 650 of Google's highest value customers IRL 

“I don't think there are enough words to express the gargantuan thanks I have - echoed, I know, by the rest of my team - for the time, dedication, effort, patience and a whole host of praise-singing adjectives associated with what we've just achieved. Thanks so much, I've had nothing but positive and enthusiastic feedback from across the board.”

( Events Lead, Google EMEA )